Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Boarding Pass Travel?

People always ask us “Why should I pay a travel agent to do what I can do for free”?

The truth is, it’s almost always the same price to book travel from a travel agent as it would be to book it yourself. One of the one of the biggest pitfalls that travelers fall into is shopping for the lowest price, while not understanding what may, or may not come with that price.

It’s the job of every travel agent to be fully trained on every operator and supplier of travel products so that they can provide their customers with accurate information regarding transportation, accommodations, and destinations. Travel agents also receive DAILY updates to policies and procedures from all of those same operators and suppliers, along with the local and foreign government releases with regard to visitors to the specific destination.

Here at Boarding Pass Travel, we’ve got 7 years experience and training in the travel industry, and have been world travelers ourselves, visiting multiple destinations sometimes 3 and 4 times a year. We take our jobs seriously and sincerely wish for our clients to get the absolute most pleasure out of their travels. Our recent joining of the Carlson Wagonlit Travel Vacations Team simply allowed us to expand our reach and provide our clients with some exclusive savings and perks.

We want you to know that when you book with us, we’re working hard behind the scenes to make sure that we cover all the bases so that your travel experience is the stress-free and enjoyable from start to finish. Here are a few of the things that most people booking for themselves don’t consider…..

Travel Insurance ensures that should you need to cancel prior to departure, you don’t lose your investment. It also takes the stress out of your life should something terrible happen while away. Should your luggage get lost, you’re covered. If you get sick or are injured during your travels, you’re covered. It just makes good sense.

Some destinations have travel advisories issued for them. We check that and discuss the risk factor with our clients to ensure that they make an informed decision. From our own experiences, we can make personalized suggestions and are quite often able to recommend a great local contact person for tours and other local information.

All destinations have limits to how long a tourist can stay in the country, and some require e different types of travel visas, depending on the reason for traveling. We can help you decide what your options are and plan in advance so you don’t end up being turned away at the border. We make sure all your paperwork is in order!

If you require specific vaccinations for specific destinations, we’ll be able to tell you and point you to the nearest Travel Vaccination Clinic where you can get the right information as well as the required shots for your travel.

The absolute BEST reason to book with Boarding Pass Travel is that you have someone in your corner, representing, and fighting for you if necessary. During the pandemic, a lot of travel was canceled and we spent countless hours on the phone with operators and suppliers working hard to get refunds and future travel credits for our clients. Going back and forth so many times for each client as a full-time job was exhausting for us, so I can’t even begin to imagine how someone would navigate that nightmare while trying to work, raise a family, and deal with all of the OTHER stresses that came with the pandemic.

Peace of Mind. That's what we offer

Friendly, responsible, professional peace of mind. Do you really need any more reason to book with us?